From The Denver Post: is gossipy, sharply written and also left-leaning, with operatives from both major parties admitting they check in regularly for the oddsmaking and rumor-mongering.
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That is the understatement of the year.
how much you pay for that stuff you smoking?
that colopols is the least partisan (either way) of the CO big blogs.
way off base.
This is by far one of the farthest left blogs around.
Show me where anything bad about liberals is ever written.
And it isn’t because you are pure as the driven snow. You all have lots of skeletons in your closets too. This blog just convienently doesn’t bring them to light.
Just a few days ago we had a long post about Bill Winter’s campaign going down the toilet. We have 11 races on the Big Line, and 6 of the 11 have Republicans as the favorites.
Critics of Colorado Pols only see what they want to see.
If you have anything out there, even if it’s just a link to some wingnut site like redstate, you can always post it. But con men like you just want to complain, right?
I’m not really even speaking in regards to official posts. But I like that both R’s and D’s comment on the site. Most blogs it’s just one or the other.
I’d much rather discuss things when people on both sides are talking, whether they’re thoughtful or, uh, less so.
I prefer less so.
What I find funny is the phrasing makes it sound like every other site doesn’t offer any useful links.
Least partisan of state political blogs? Maybe. But left-leaning? What a joke. The people on this sight are with a few exceptions, the kind of people you see clamoring for an investigation into 9/11 and the possible “inside job.” Left Leaning! Ha!
It just seems that way because a few very liberal posters tend to be the most active, but on the whole I’d guess that the people that actually regularly check in with the site are close to an even split, certainly not more than 60-40.
Hey nobody can help it if more Republicans are having a hard time understanding how to use these confounded computers . . .
Maybe I’m seeing only what I want to see, but I have the sense there are a great many disaffected Republicans on this board.
Seems there are quite a few of us traditional Republicans — RINOs, whatever — who have been pushed aside by the neo cons and wing nuts and we’re looking for a new political home.
…perhaps gay eurodance?
I’m not totally sure what gay eurodance is, but it sounds a little like something a lot of folks on this site do regualarly. Is it kind of like Dance, Dance Revolution with leather and ecstasy?
She has labored tirelessly on behalf of Colorado’s families to prevent the elite gay eurodance interests from corrupting our children, born and unborn. Help her stand up this weekend and attend an unquestionably heterosexual American linedancing event – together we will boot-scootin boogie our way to a better life.
and Marilyn Musgrat’s decidely-heterosexual line dance most certainly will not be happening at Charlie’s this weekend!